
12.04.2016 15:33
What are the typical Czech sports? What can you do in spring, summer, autumn and winter in CR?
Which sport is maybe the most popular?        Can you name any sportsmen/ sportswomen? 
Do you like watching sport on TV? Why? Why not?          What are your favourite sports?
Can you name some winter sports?Summer sports?
Can you name some outdoor and indoor sports? 
Think of one sport and describe it (2 min speech):  Do you prefer team or individual sports? Name the sport. Is it a winter/ summer/ all year / outdoor….sport?  Is it dangerous? Easy to learn? Popular in our country? Do you need any special equipment? Where and when do you practice it? Do you do it alone or with friends? Do you have any achievement? 
Useful phrases:
I love team sports because you can play them with your friends or even people you do not know and you can meet new friends. I like the team soul and cooperation.
I do not like team sports, I prefer individual ones because I want to rely only on myself and I do not want to be responsible for someone else. 
You do not need any special equipment, just….(good shoes, comfortable clothes)
You need special equipment such as …..(good skis, a hockey stick, helmet, …)
It is not dangerous if you follow some rules. 
It is very easy to learn. Anyone can do it.
It is not very easy to learn but after a certain time, everyone can do it. 
I love this sport because I can relax, I am fit and healthy….