Indirect Speech

12.01.2011 19:05

 Nepřímá řeč:

 Pokud je uvozující věta v čase přítomném, nedochází k posunu:

She often says : „My brother was a cute boy when he was little.“

She often says (that) her brother was a cute boy….


Pokud je uvozující věta v minulosti, dochází k posunu:

Přítomnost se mění na minulost.

Minulost se mění na předminulost.

Předminulost se nemění.

Předpřítomnost se mění na předminulost.

Budoucnost se mění na would.

Am going to se mění na was going to

Can se mění na could

Rozkaz se mění na infitiv


She said: „ I am hungry.“  - She said (that) she was hungry.

She said: „ I have been hungry.“ - She said (that) she had been hungry.“

She said: „ I was hungry.“ - She said that she (that) she had been hungry.

She said:“I will be hungry.“ - She said that she (that) she would be hungry.

She said: „ I can help you.“ - She said that she (that) she could help me.

She said: „I had helped you.“ She said that she (that) she had helped me.

She said: „ I am going to help you.“ She said that she (that) she was going to help me.

She told me: "Help me!" She told me to help her.

She asked me. "Do not do it" SHe asked me not to do it.


Musí dojít i ke změně těchto příslovcí:

- now - then, immediately

- today - that day

- yesterday - the day before, the previous day

- tomorrow - the next day, the following day

- this week - that week

- ago - before

- here - there

- this - that